Monday, November 23, 2009

My ingrown hair isn't popping

why wont it pop? im poking it hard and its not popping, is it becuase it doesnt have a white head? if so, how do i get it to awhite head?

My ingrown hair isnt popping?!HELP!

Some ingrown hairs can be a pain in the mind, because it is mainly the mind that doesn't allow you to take your mind off it. The best way is to leave it alone for a couple of days, ignore it completely and then look at it. If it looks like it has started to cure than just leave it, but if more infection gathered to the spot then take an ice cube and try to keep it on the ingrown hair for around 30 minute if you can handle it. The cold ice will make the spot gathered enough infection to the spot to make it pop easily. Once the ingrown hair is out you are out of trouble, the skin will recover in no time. Good luck!

My ingrown hair isnt popping?!HELP!?

Please be very careful with your ingrown hair as it sounds like a stubborn one.Hair roots are easily infectious and from one simple ingrown hair you can get quite an infected booboo that can leave a scar behind.Try to leave it alone for a week,no squeezing,just repeat the icecube treat. Report It

My ingrown hair isnt popping?!HELP!?

You're not supposed to screw with it. Just let it go away on its own. If it doesn't you'll probably have to see a doctor to have them remove it.

How to Do the Weighted Lunge

The lunge is basically a giant step. The exercise can be done without weights, with dumbbells or kettlebells held at the sides or at shoulder level or with a barbell at the chest or behind the neck on the shoulders. Lunges work the upper leg muscles and the muscles of the buttocks.

1. The Starting Position

  • Choose dumbbells of a weight that will enable you to complete theexercise sets you have chosen. Trial and error will be required to settle on a suitable weight. Start with a light weight.
  • Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand. Hang arms at the your sides. Palms should face the thighs (hammer grip). Feet should be a little less than shoulder width apart.

2. The Exercise Movement

  • Take a big step forward (with either leg) while bending at the knee until the front thigh is approaching parallel to the ground and the rear leg is bent at the knee and balanced on the toes. Don't let the knee go past the tip of the toes. This can agitate the knee joint if done excessively.

  • Step back to your starting position, and repeat the motion with the other leg, alternating legs until the exercise program set is complete.

3. Points to Note

  • Although the exercise can be done without weights, aweighted lunge provides additional work for the muscles, and for women in particular, provides the weight-bearing exercise that is so important for bone health.
  • The exercise can also be performed with dumbbells held at the front of the shoulders or with a barbell on the shoulders, behind the neck — these are more advanced versions of the lunge.
  • For better balance, don't lift the rear foot too far on to the toes until you get a feel for this exercise. You'll get better as you practice.
  • Remember, don't move the knee past the tips of the toes.
  • This is a good exercise to include in a circuit-training program workout.
  • Variations include backward and forward lunges at an angle to the body.

Strength & Stretch with the FitBALL Roller

This routine offers exercises using a either a foam roller or, as shown, a FitBall Roller. The FitBall Roller works the same as a foam roller, but has more give to it, which may make some exercises more comfortable or more difficult, depending on the move. The roller is a great tool for adding support or for adding challenge to traditional exercises, but it's hard to know exactly how to use it in your workouts. The following moves, which generally target the core, lower body and flexibility, are some examples of moves you can try using a foam or FitBALL Roller.

  • Beginners, perform 1 set of each strength exercise for 8-16 reps. Stretches can be done as many times as you like.

  • Int/Advanced Options:

    • Perform 2-3 sets of 10-16 reps of each exercise with a short rest in between

    • Perform each move for 10-16 reps (or for a timed interval), one after the other for 1-3 circuits

    • Alternate a each exercise, performing each for 10-16 reps, with no rest between sets

Pushup On Roller
In pushup position (on knees or toes) place hands on roller a bit wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower into a pushup, keeping back straight and abs in. Push up and repeat. Placing just one hand on the roller and one on the floor makes this move easier.

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Back Extension on Roller
Lie face down on floor with arms stretched out in front, wrists resting on roller. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and down and keep the abs contracted as you press into the roller, lifting the chest off the floor. Lower and repeat.
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Front Body Stretch
With the roller under the hips, place hands on the floor and stretch up, looking up at the ceiling and feeling a stretch in the chest and abs. Hold for 10-30 seconds.

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One-Legged Hip Extension on Roller
With the roller under the hips and chin resting on forearms, bend one leg until the shin is perpendicular to the floor. Keep the abs in and squeeze the glutes to lift the bent leg straight up, sole of the foot towards the ceiling. Try not to arch the back.
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Bent-Leg Hip Extension on Roller
In the same position as the previous exercise, bend both legs, squeeze the feet together and lift the feet up towards the ceiling, using only the glutes and not the back.

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Straight Leg Extension on Roller
In the same position as the previous move, straighten the legs behind you and squeeze the glutes to lift the legs, again, without arching the back.
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Bridge on Roller
Lying face up, position feet on roller, knees bent and hands at your sides. Slowly, uncurl your spine off the mat, one vertebrae at a time until you're in a bridge position, body in a straight line from knees to head. Lower and repeat.

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One-Legged Bridge
In the same position as previous move, extend one leg out, keeping it even with the other leg. Roll the body off the mat as high as you can into bridge position. Roll down and repeat all reps on the same leg before switching sides.
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Outer Thigh Stretch on Roller
From the previous exercise, keep one leg on roller and cross the other foot over the knee. Use the foot to roll the roller towards you to deepen the stretch in the glutes. Hold for 10-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
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Side Leg Lift on Roller
Lie on your side with the roller under the hip. Rest on your forearm and take the top arm in front of you, hand on floor for support. Life the top leg up, foot flexed, squeezing the outer thigh. For a challenge, keep that leg up and try to lift the bottom leg up to meet it (this is tough!). Lower and repeat before switching sides.

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Roll-Ups on Roller
Lie vertically on the roller, knees bent and feet in front of you. Cross your arms over the chest or extend them in front of you as you roll up off the roller. At the top, reach the arms out then lower and repeat.
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Reverse Crunch on Roller
In the same position as previous move, contract the abs and bring one knee up towards the chest. If that's challenging, continue for all reps and switch sides. For more challenge, after you bring one knee up, bring the other knee up as well. Then lower one foot at a time, alternating sides. Don't arch the back.
rollreverseleg.jpg (23787 bytes) rollreversecrunch.jpg (26951 bytes)
Modified Crunch on Roller
Place the roller behind the mid-lower back and cross arms over the chest. Squeeze the abs and crunch up, allowing the roller to support the back. Lower and repeat.
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Hamstring Stretch
Sit on the roller and stretch the legs straight out in front of you, feet flexed. Keeping the back straight, tilt forward from the hips while reaching out with your hands, stretching the hamstrings. Hold for 10-30 seconds.
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Inner Thigh Stretch
In the same position as previous move, bend the knees and bring the heels together in front of you, gently stretching forward and feeling it in the inner thighs.
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Chest Stretch
While seated on roller, place hands behind you on the floor, arch the back slightly and open the chest up, stretching through the chest and shoulders.
rollcheststretch.jpg (27286 bytes)

Form Pointers:

  • The roller is not a stable surface, so take care when using it and make sure you have control during each exercise.

  • In some exercises, the roller provides added support (as in the hamstring and inner thigh stretch) which may make some moves more comfortable. In other moves (as in the pushups and leg lifts), the roller adds difficulty and intensity. Be aware of how the roller changes the exercises and take your time learning the moves.

Massage Your Own Neck and Shoulders - The Trapezius Muscle

Tight shoulder and neck muscles deserve a massage. For many people, one of the neck muscles that can become the most tense and painful is the trapezius muscle. Here is a technique for massaging your own "trap" muscle. Try it right now, and feel the tension in your neck and shoulder muscles melt away.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 5 or more minutes
Here's How:
  1. Locate your trapezius muscle. Although it is a big muscle spanning from your neck, across the shoulders and almost all the way down your back, you need only locate the upper portion (at the top of the shoulder) for this technique.
  2. Cross one arm in front of your body so that you can place the palm of your hand on top of the other shoulder.
  3. Beginning at the base of the neck, knead the muscles in a rhythmic action, moving out toward the arm in increments. Use a pressure that is deep enough to make a difference, but still feels good. In the field of massage therapy, we call this "the good hurt."
  4. Relax and enjoy!
  5. Repeat on the other side.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

7 Simple Rules For Staying Young... No Matter What Your Age Is

How is it that so many people fear more?

I mean, what is it that causes sensible, mature, educated people, burst into tears or go in-depth "midlife crisis" at the mere mention of her 40th Birthday?

It's funny, is not it?

Still older is a natural part of life. Inevitable indeed, because if we do not get older, then that means we must dead!

After working with thousands of people from all walks of life I can see it, it does not lead to actual calendar years that people stress and concern is what do these years to your body, your face, your appearance .

Not much of a revelation, I agree, but nevertheless it is true.

In fact, if not building for visible signs of aging that over the years, most people would not give a damn how many candles they have any on her birthday cake.

The problem is, we are all subjected to from a very young age what it means to be more brainwashed.

We are told, "You're younger you do not understand!" or "You should really slow down and taking it a bit easier at your age" or "You should not expect so much as when you were younger to achieve."

What rubbish!

Look, let's get something straight once and for all.

Despite what you were doctors, physiotherapists and so-called fitness-related "experts" over the years, you do not automatically into a downward spiral of performance and give the appearance of age.

Physical Degeneration is NOT an inevitable part of aging.

In fact, you can and should be able to not only maintain but also improve your physical abilities over the course of your life. You can in your installer 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's, and you are in your 20's and 30's.

Do not believe me?

Look like the ultra-distance runner and adventure racer Helen Klein. She picked up jogging at age 55, advances to more than 75 marathons and 100 ultra-marathons complete removal (that's race over 100 miles in length) during a career that went on well into their mid-seventies.

What is Professor Art De Vany, author of "evolutionary fitness"? At the age of 68 he rides mountain bikes and dirt bikes competitive (in open competition), has consistently trains on a daily basis, and a surprisingly muscular and strong physique with only 8% body fat. He's 68!

These are not isolated cases, but unfortunately they are very rare ... although they may not be necessary!

Each day of the week could be the process of building the better, fitter, faster, stronger, stronger, leaner you and the amazing energy and vitality that are always ready for you in every moment of your life, regardless of their age to benefit launch.

But first, I need you to understand something.

These improvements do not come from some new fad fitness program.

They do not come come from Dr Whoojammywotsits latest diet.

They do not come from those fancy gizmo's, gadgets or wonder pills that you buy from all those late night infomercials keep.

They come from good, old-fashioned, honest-to-goodness effort.

Quite simply, if you get your butt, then you need to get the ass!

There is no other way!

Now I know not that what you want to hear, and that many of you this probably will be read at this point, but still, it's true. And what's more, you know its true.

So what do you want to do?

If you're like most people, probably nothing. You sit there, reading this article and decide that I'm either nuts (You're right, could) or that the cost of getting what you want is too high and requires too much effort to achieve.

When it yourself, then I must respectfully inform you that you officially crazy. Finally, it is not one of the definitions of insanity "doing the same things again and again, but expecting different results?

) For those of you that still your mental faculties intact, are) and willing to achieve the necessary changes to a fantastic body, as they (regardless of your age, here are a few pointers.

1.Engage to challenge EVERY DAY-look, 3 times per week just is not enough when it comes to maintaining or improving the physical self.

The human body is a motion machine, MOVE IT! ... or lose.

2.Use strength based exercises at least 3 times per week, where you demand the muscles and joints, and load the bone.

With over 600 muscles in the human body, it simply makes no sense, like most people, the isolation of different muscles and blasting train them to death. Instead, use my rule 600, and you try exercises that you as many muscles as you can possibly be found.

3. Drink fresh, clean water every day.

You will need about a liter for every 50lbs of body weight, to maintain a decent water balance in the body. Less than this and your organs, skin, muscles and even the brain is no longer effective.

4. Avoid all processed foods.

Another name for processed food "denatured" food. In other words, were all removed from the nature of it to make it longer on the shelves.

Do you really want to eat something without "natural" in it? Only you can decide, but I will say this; foods with colorings, flavorings and figures instead of the ingredients tend to prematurely terminate the life than to prolong it.

Opt instead for fresh products to ensure that 80% of what you are eating fresh (ideally organic comes) sources.

5. Eat less.

People eat too much. Enough talking!

6.Sleep more

The human body requires sleep of the two major quality and quantity.

First 8 hours per night is a good start, but not enough. In order to really benefit from your sleep, try to develop your sleep pattern, so you will sleep between the hours of 10pm and 2, the most of your body hormonal repair processes. The hours 2am to 6pm are important for combating stress.

In other words, do not sleep all the same. The timing is important.

7. Relax more

Yes, I know, I said, move more, but I want to relax you more.

This does not mean seeing more TV. Read a book, listening to music, take a massage or acupuncture, a major holiday, add variety to your week.

Studies show that people who are more aware of the need for a blanc between activity and relaxation constructive living longer, are less stressed and do better.

So, let's go. My guide to looking and better with age.

It may not be what you expected. In fact, many of you are probably thinking: "Yes, but I know all this already, where's the new stuff?"

Sorry, not this time!

There is nothing faddy or HI-tech about this approach.

It just works.

My challenge to you is, I'll take everything you have just said and for 30 days in its entirety. Do not skip a thing.

If you do, I guarantee that regardless of age or current physical condition is what you see, feel, and better than you have in the year.

Editor Tips

Remember: Even if saving cash is needed to do, not so for the loss of a good experience. This is another reason given, a great recommendation to save even more. Due to the growth of personal training you will find deals in any city. It is now likely to get a good deal on personal training, but always high quality.

But for the majority of people out there who want to look good 'nekkid have "and a good dose of power boats, there's definitely worth dealing with kettlebells for strength training. Because kettlebells for a good price available and in addition to 105 kg, most guys, you can use a bell, which provides more than enough of a charge attraction.

All of the best coaches that I have known her for many different types of customers. Whether they coaching for sports development, fat-loss, powerlifting or hypertrophy, you will likely see kettlebells is used during some part of a training day. There must be some merit to the implementation, if all these people use them with their customers.

7 Simple Rules For Staying Young...

How is it that so many people fear more?

I mean, what is it that causes sensible, mature, educated people, burst into tears or go in-depth "midlife crisis" at the mere mention of her 40th Birthday?

It's funny, is not it?

Still older is a natural part of life. Inevitable indeed, because if we do not get older, then that means we must dead!

After working with thousands of people from all walks of life I can see it, it does not lead to actual calendar years that people stress and concern is what do these years to your body, your face, your appearance .

Not much of a revelation, I agree, but nevertheless it is true.

In fact, if not building for visible signs of aging that over the years, most people would not give a damn how many candles they have any on her birthday cake.

The problem is, we are all subjected to from a very young age what it means to be more brainwashed.

We are told, "You're younger you do not understand!" or "You should really slow down and taking it a bit easier at your age" or "You should not expect so much as when you were younger to achieve."

What rubbish!

Look, let's get something straight once and for all.

Despite what you were doctors, physiotherapists and so-called fitness-related "experts" over the years, you do not automatically into a downward spiral of performance and give the appearance of age.

Physical Degeneration is NOT an inevitable part of aging.

In fact, you can and should be able to not only maintain but also improve your physical abilities over the course of your life. You can in your installer 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's, and you are in your 20's and 30's.

Do not believe me?

Look like the ultra-distance runner and adventure racer Helen Klein. She picked up jogging at age 55, advances to more than 75 marathons and 100 ultra-marathons complete removal (that's race over 100 miles in length) during a career that went on well into their mid-seventies.

What is Professor Art De Vany, author of "evolutionary fitness"? At the age of 68 he rides mountain bikes and dirt bikes competitive (in open competition), has consistently trains on a daily basis, and a surprisingly muscular and strong physique with only 8% body fat. He's 68!

These are not isolated cases, but unfortunately they are very rare ... although they may not be necessary!

Each day of the week could be the process of building the better, fitter, faster, stronger, stronger, leaner you and the amazing energy and vitality that are always ready for you in every moment of your life, regardless of their age to benefit launch.

But first, I need you to understand something.

These improvements do not come from some new fad fitness program.

They do not come come from Dr Whoojammywotsits latest diet.

They do not come from those fancy gizmo's, gadgets or wonder pills that you buy from all those late night infomercials keep.

They come from good, old-fashioned, honest-to-goodness effort.

Quite simply, if you get your butt, then you need to get the ass!

There is no other way!

Now I know not that what you want to hear, and that many of you this probably will be read at this point, but still, it's true. And what's more, you know its true.

So what do you want to do?

If you're like most people, probably nothing. You sit there, reading this article and decide that I'm either nuts (You're right, could) or that the cost of getting what you want is too high and requires too much effort to achieve.

When it yourself, then I must respectfully inform you that you officially crazy. Finally, it is not one of the definitions of insanity "doing the same things again and again, but expecting different results?

) For those of you that still your mental faculties intact, are) and willing to achieve the necessary changes to a fantastic body, as they (regardless of your age, here are a few pointers.

1.Engage to challenge EVERY DAY-look, 3 times per week just is not enough when it comes to maintaining or improving the physical self.

The human body is a motion machine, MOVE IT! ... or lose.

2.Use strength based exercises at least 3 times per week, where you demand the muscles and joints, and load the bone.

With over 600 muscles in the human body, it simply makes no sense, like most people, the isolation of different muscles and blasting train them to death. Instead, use my rule 600, and you try exercises that you as many muscles as you can possibly be found.

3. Drink fresh, clean water every day.

You will need about a liter for every 50lbs of body weight, to maintain a decent water balance in the body. Less than this and your organs, skin, muscles and even the brain is no longer effective.

4. Avoid all processed foods.

Another name for processed food "denatured" food. In other words, were all removed from the nature of it to make it longer on the shelves.

Do you really want to eat something without "natural" in it? Only you can decide, but I will say this; foods with colorings, flavorings and figures instead of the ingredients tend to prematurely terminate the life than to prolong it.

Opt instead for fresh products to ensure that 80% of what you are eating fresh (ideally organic comes) sources.

5. Eat less.

People eat too much. Enough talking!

6.Sleep more

The human body requires sleep of the two major quality and quantity.

First 8 hours per night is a good start, but not enough. In order to really benefit from your sleep, try to develop your sleep pattern, so you will sleep between the hours of 10pm and 2, the most of your body hormonal repair processes. The hours 2am to 6pm are important for combating stress.

In other words, do not sleep all the same. The timing is important.

7. Relax more

Yes, I know, I said, move more, but I want to relax you more.

This does not mean seeing more TV. Read a book, listening to music, take a massage or acupuncture, a major holiday, add variety to your week.

Studies show that people who are more aware of the need for a blanc between activity and relaxation constructive living longer, are less stressed and do better.

So, let's go. My guide to looking and better with age.

It may not be what you expected. In fact, many of you are probably thinking: "Yes, but I know all this already, where's the new stuff?"

Sorry, not this time!

There is nothing faddy or HI-tech about this approach.

It just works.

My challenge to you is, I'll take everything you have just said and for 30 days in its entirety. Do not skip a thing.

If you do, I guarantee that regardless of age or current physical condition is what you see, feel, and better than you have in the year.

Editor Tips

Remember: Even if saving cash is needed to do, not so for the loss of a good experience. This is another reason given, a great recommendation to save even more. Due to the growth of personal training you will find deals in any city. It is now likely to get a good deal on personal training, but always high quality.

But for the majority of people out there who want to look good 'nekkid have "and a good dose of power boats, there's definitely worth dealing with kettlebells for strength training. Because kettlebells for a good price available and in addition to 105 kg, most guys, you can use a bell, which provides more than enough of a charge attraction.

All of the best coaches that I have known her for many different types of customers. Whether they coaching for sports development, fat-loss, powerlifting or hypertrophy, you will likely see kettlebells is used during some part of a training day. There must be some merit to the implementation, if all these people use them with their customers.