Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dental Problems Resolved

Many people visit their doctor thinking that they have a sinus infection or upper respiratory infection. After the doctor explains that there are no physical signs of infection the patient leaves frustrated and still feeling bad.

What many fail to realize is the health of your mouth is as important, if not more so, than any other part of the body. If your mouth is not healthy, you are not healthy. Problems with the teeth and mouth can cause you to have similar headaches and pressure that accompany sinus infections. Bacteria live in the mouth and serves as a breeding ground for infection that can spread throughout the body by releasing into the blood stream.

Good oral hygiene is very important and the right product can keep you out of the doctor's office. You only get one set of teeth so the products that you choose are extremely important. There is no second chance with your teeth and if you develop periodontal disease there is no cure, only a treatment and deterring the progression of the disease.

Good Oral Hygiene Can Prevent

* Halitosis (bad breath)
* Recessed gums
* Sensitivity
* Removal of plaque/tartar
* Bleeding gums
* Loose teeth
* Gingivitis
* Pockets

Proper oral hygiene will assist with the removal of food particles and buildup on the teeth. If tartar is allowed to buildup and food particles remain in the mouth the gums will recede causing what is known as pockets between the gums and teeth. This can create a hard to reach area where you are unable to brush or reach with toothpaste and toothbrush.
Flossing is good, but will not reach deep inside the pockets to cleanse. Eventually these pockets will become infected and can cause severe pain and danger of other medical conditions. It is important that you be aware of receding gums and other symptoms that could leave the raging bacteria in your mouth.

If you have these symptoms there are things that you can do to prevent the further destruction of your teeth and gums. A significant key to good health is to prevent dental problems before they occur.

Preventing Dental Problems

* Practice good dental hygiene
* Routine visits to the Dentist
* Proper diet

OraMD® is a product that can be used as preventative maintenance on a daily basis. With the use of OraMD® you can improve your dental health by eliminating the bacteria playground in your mouth. You will feel better and have a healthier life. Dental problems can cause serious medical issues and lead to expensive dental work. Two of the most common types of problems that result from too much bacteria taking over your mouth are gingivitis and periodontal disease. Following the above tips can ensure your health by keeping your mouth clean and healthy.